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Week 9 & 10

week 9 was a remarkably awesome week even as the number of incoming clients increased as the days pass . My schedule remained the same this week and my days off were changed back to the initial days they use to be; thursday & friday.

This week was awesome firstly because the number of customers started to increase, which made the week more interesting compare to last week . Secondly, on tuesday this week, the head chef experimented a new idea of which was amazing . this idea of his was serving (plating) brownies, chocolate sauce and ice cream at the moment to the customers, when the service started the head chef positioned me there, for a while it was slow but everything changed the moment more people started coming for dessert then the pressure dawned moreover, it was exciting.

Week 10 was a very busy week everyday of this week there were more than three hundred customers to serve. 9 hours went away like 3 hours but felt like full day. everything was always happening too fast , limited time for lots of prep work. However it was exciting, on tuesday was even more tiring but exciting because i had to stay on the plating of the brownie, my hands felt like they were gonna fall out but at the same time the service seem to have finished faster that day .

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